What this is about...

I started this blog because I have a strong interest in strategic planning, increasing revenue while maintaining organisational integrity, and making museums engaging places that are accessible to the widest audience possible. It is my goal to start conversations or trains of thought that can help museum stakeholders improve their organisation.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Quick Rundown

So I haven't been keeping up much. Lots of articles get read, like this one about the AAM conference's first ever community service project, reflecting the trend in museums' expanding definition as a community space, or "Deciding What Not to Do", which came to me in two forms: here and an article I read in the Economist or somewhere that basically covers the same ideas abut on a personal level. The truth is, I haven't been doing as much work with museums in the past couple of months and am starting to feel a bit unengaged. I feel like its a good time to get some fresh perspectives out, so keep an eye on this space for a guest blogger or two.

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